R.E.M. Song Maker

Don't have enough time to listen to all of your favorite R.E.M. songs? Try making a random blend of them into one song with this generator. Get all your favorite Stipe mumblings in set of lyrics.

Dream Perfect
Words & Music by Band Name Maker, Michael Stipe, Peter Buck, Mike Mills and Bill Berry
Verse 1:
It's not there, I can't even rhyme, begin the begin
Seven thousand years to form a united rain
Turn to lies and conversation
Vacation in Athens is calling me
I looked for it and I found it
If you're tired and you've tried you can find me in my room
Of the power, the only vote that matters
That this isn't fortunate at all
Verse 2:
Hunted, danced and sang
It's so much more attractive
Pressured storm, tried to move
Put your hair back, we get to leave
I looked for it and I found it
If you're tired and you've tried you can find me in my room
Of the power, the only vote that matters
That this isn't fortunate at all
If that's my folly, that's my mistake
A matter of course, Jefferson, drive
Let me show you what I can do with it
Vacation in Athens is calling me
Verse 3:
Let's begin again like Martin Luthers in
Pass a magic pillow under head
Push that, push that, push that to the floor
Who will be your book this season
I looked for it and I found it
If you're tired and you've tried you can find me in my room
Of the power, the only vote that matters
That this isn't fortunate at all
Create another R.E.M. song
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